The use of materials in environmentally conscious architecture is defined, among other things, by the life cycle of each material. One ecological factor is the quantity of non-renewable energy used to create and transport the building. Another is the environmental load of construction debris following the functional shift of the material. The mud brick is fundamentally different from silicate- and cement-based construction materials in both respects, as it can rapidly be transformed into construction material virtually without limitations, using very little energy, and it can be transformed back into raw material: organic soil. This ecological difference is the basis of the film’s dramaturgy, insofar as it revolves around temporality and cyclicity. What is the time unit by which life cycle can be interpreted? On what time scale do concept and building design become distinct from the architectural temporality of modernity?
A fixed camera followed the changes of the building through five months. The film’s temporal approach provides the added aesthetic value that defines the entire project as an artistic program. By reconstructing the relations of sooner and later, the spectator contributes to delineating the domains of the aesthetic and the ecological and to determining their relations.
Projektről bővebben:
pavilon építők: Bakos Judit Piroska, Barcsik Tamás, Barna Gergely Péter, Barna-Sinka Janka, Beregszászi János, Bessenyei Zoltán, Bodacz Péter, Brezovai Gábor, Dujmov Tamás, Gyenis Mihály, Hajdár ErikA, Kalmár Tibor, Kecskés Tamás, Kis Barbara, Kiss Marcell Roland, Lovizer Tamás, Nagy Flóra, Nagy Zsuzsanna, Pászti Margó, Radev Gergő, Rendes Nikoletta, Etienne Samin, Szűcs Botond, Torner Noémi, Vati Vivien, Vincze Géza
pavilon terv: Bihari Ádám Gyenis Tibor
építész asszisztens: Bakos Judit Piroska
pavilon kivitelezés: Hagyományos Házépítő Kft.
szerkezet: Kovács István Papp Dávid Tóth István Gömbölő Tóth Ádám
rakott fal: Gáspár János
épület felirat: Révész Gabriella Vati Vivien
kameraüzemeltetés: Kalmár Tibor Vati Vivien
bioenergia: Németh Tibor
hang 1: Tóth István Gömbölő
hang 2: Nagy Flóra idézi Hermann Hesse: Sziddhártha (fordította: Kászonyi Ágota)
zene: Kovács Balázs, Makó Kata Dobkör
operatőr: Gyenis Tibor
vágó: Szabó Csaba Zsolt
projekt asszisztens: Balogh Viktória
rendező: Gyenis Tibor