2016-0,00000038580247 Hz (kbalazs)
date: 2016
Format: generative video
Technique: C code running on a raspberry pi
Duration: 30 days/period
Description: The video is the data visualization of a very very low frequency signal,
taking two phase in 30 days..
The source code of the running C application:
#define PI 3.14159265359
int main()
double x, ret, val, ido;
time_t start,end;
volatile long unsigned counter;
start = time(NULL);
for (;;) {
val = PI / 180;
end = time(NULL);
ido = difftime(end,start); /* eltelt ido kiszamitasa */
ido = ido/2592000; /* az eltelt ido aranya a 30 naphoz (ket es fel
millio sec) */
ret = sin(ido*val); /*aktualis ertek kiszamitasa... */
printf(" %.17g",ret); /* ... es kiiratasa */