Kovács Balázs / Xrc

[ english / magyar ]





2011-Brno videodok1 (kbalazs)

Košice2013 asked me to answer for several questions about my Brno / Shaping the New residency in video message. I made this video.
* The first part is a fake translation about czech people, from an originally slovak text about the hungarians.
* The second part is a pessimistic monologue about Hungary in the comparison of Brno.
* The third part is a scene which i find representative for Czech. i recorded it in Brno, on the Tvrdeho street.

People see the things from outside everytime colorful. I do it also in this video from my black/white point of view.

Answers to Košice2013 about Brno residency / černobílé pohledu from Kovacs Balazs on Vimeo.