2009-Dna data sonification (kbalazs)
for the ICAD09
We have chosen two genes from the genome sequence of baker's yeast, the yeast used for brewing beer and baking bread. The letters a, t, c, g are used as symbols for the four different nucleotides DNA contain. The exact sequence of the nucleotides determines the function coded by the DNA, coding sequence is represented by capital letters: A, T, C, G. Each gene is coded in a part of the nucleotide sequence, the nucleotide sequence is translated into a protein sequence, consisting of 20 different amino acids represented by 20 different capital letters: A,C,D,E,F,G,H,I K,L,M,N,P,Q,R,S,T,V,W,Y."etc., see:
V2. gene2all "scientific" (eg. very fast) sonification.
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mp3 • maxmsp4 patch
V1. gene1all "artistic" sonification.
Download as mp3 or as patch+ try and make it better - send me back!
mp3 • maxmsp4 patch