Kovács Balázs / Xrc

[ english / magyar ]





2005-Proc filesystem music (kbalazs)

These files are created on and with Linux, because they are called to life as a dump of the /proc directory: a virtual file hierarchy of the running processes, attached peripherials, and the system memory. This hierarchy was concatenated with bash commands to a static data file, produced a raw material for the sonification.

After sonification (audio reading process of the data file), I done a subjective cutting selection of it, without any sound processing on the spectrum or on the volume of the sound. Well, the resulting music is a unique mixture of 'live', 'random', 'found music', and 'field recording'. As author, I feel it as my composition on the first hand, and I feel the desire to compose it on the other hand – in one person.

These pieces are a part of a greater project, which wants to sonificate the Unix file system commands and other element structures.

Note: take care with the volume setting!


